Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Drawing for Concept artists, week 1

Yesterday, we had a 6 hour class titled "Drawing for Concept artists", and as you might expect it focused on drawing ability. For this class, the Games Art (MA) and Concept art (MA) are joined together, so we started by giving short presentations of our work up until now as introductions. Then we had to show 8 nudes (of varying weight/race/gender/age/pose) that we'd drawn from imagination- My attempt is below.

Then we had a life drawing session, and it was ...definitely different, at any rate. I'm now pretty glad I kept the sessions with Claire and Michael up over the summer. Especially one exercise, when Maggie, the tutor, played Macklemore through the soundsystem and asked the model to walk/dance to the beat in a circle, giving us only 5 seconds at the most to get the gesture down before she moved again.

 I just grabbed a conté randomly when we started so these didn't come out the greatest when I photographed them, well enough to get the idea across, I hope.

This next exercise involved the model walking forwards but each step drawn needed to be connected by the previous foot- I think  like the 2nd one the best, though I didn't manage my space properly and didn't fit in the feet.

The next assignment for this class is to draw about 3 sheets worth of skeleton designs for a fictional creature, the kicker is that no matter how fantastic the creature, the skeleton must work. But I will cross that bridge when i come to it- probably after I've finished the Blue Beetle assignment for tomorrow's Character & Environment Design seminar.

- Sam.

Sam Cuddy Artist

Alumni of Aberystwyth and Teesside Univeristies, now fulltime member of the Belfast Printworkshop. One day hopes to travel around Japan!

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