Sunday, 23 November 2014

Stars over Orr (Litho class #3)

Lithography stone, (ie that big limestone chunk) before printing on Wednesday. Since I'd never printed a litho stone before, I had no-idea how this would print or if it would even print. 

Ink roll up area w/paper and and timpan.

It took a couple of prints before I got the pressure and amount of ink right, but it was pretty interesting. This is how it printed. I really liked how the marks in the sky (made with a big old bent paintbrush; it's bristles had all separated out) ended up, and that the lines from the dip pen printed also. 

I printed an edition of 5 and then levigated the etch on the stone so I'll be starting a new image next week. So far I've changed my idea about 3 times so I'm going to sit down an plan it out this weekend. The name of this print is "Stars over Orr" because its loosely based on the Guild Wars 2 areas with the ruins and gigantic stone arches.  

As for the series on constellations (I'll decide on a good name soon!), this is my idea for Virgo, though the clothes might change a bit before it makes it to plate.

Sam Cuddy Artist

Alumni of Aberystwyth and Teesside Univeristies, now fulltime member of the Belfast Printworkshop. One day hopes to travel around Japan!

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