Tuesday 22 May 2012

Visual Diary

Hopefully I'll be able to get into school to get proper photographs of the exhibition this week, but for now, I've polished up my visual diary on tumblr so its nice to look at! http://www.kitesail.tumblr.com is where I post up to keep a record of, all the art pieces and animations, games and films- everything visual that I found inspiring and interesting.  

In the mean time, here are some doodles from my sketchbook!


Sam Cuddy Artist

Alumni of Aberystwyth and Teesside Univeristies, now fulltime member of the Belfast Printworkshop. One day hopes to travel around Japan!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I went on you tumblr page and WHOA
    So many things that I love, my eyes can't take in all that beauty!
    So now I'm bookmarking it haha and I shall look at it whenever I need something to cheer me up:)
