Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Gryphon skeleton assignment

(click images for larger version)

For drawing for concept artists last week, I received the assignment "draw the skeleton for a fantasy creature, but make it believable".
I'm not quite sure I've managed the last part, but I chose the Gryphon/Griffin; head, wings and front legs of an eagle/bird of prey, with the hindquarters and tail of a lion. It wasn't until i started gathering avian skeletons like an estranged beachcomber, did I realise how weird this creature is. First off, its got two sets of back legs- how am I to make that work? Also following some research into pegasi and the wingspan required to lift an average sized horse, I decided that my gryphon would be about the size of a dog. (and then started pulling some personality from dogs as well in the poses.)

Sam Cuddy Artist

Alumni of Aberystwyth and Teesside Univeristies, now fulltime member of the Belfast Printworkshop. One day hopes to travel around Japan!

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